Thursday- How Does Water Change from Liquid to Solid and Solid to Liquid?

Guiding Question to Discover Today: How does water change from a liquid to a solid and a solid to a liquid?




(Use 3 frozen cubes from your ice tray that you made on Tuesday or just use regular cubes from your freezer.)

Need a Challenge?  Have an ice cube melting race. Get two more ice cubes.  Find two (moveable) objects outside that have been warmed by the sun. (Ex. rock, bucket, chair, etc.) Place the objects side by side.  When you say "Go", set one ice cube on the surface of each object.  Have someone in your family root for one cube and you root for the other!  Enjoy the race to see which one melts the fastest!  What is making the ice melt?

Not Ready Yet?  Instead of comparing all three cubes, experiment with just two cubes.  Find a shady location next to a sunny location in your yard so your child can see both ice cubes at the same time.  Place one cube in the sun and one in the shade.  Which one melts first?


The picture in the tutorial shows natural materials frozen in the ice including flowers, leaves and strawberry tops.  We also tried it with buttons.  See below for this example:

Gross Motor: Freeze Dance!

Pretend you are water freezing into an ice cube! When the music stops, FREEZE!  When the music begins again, melt back into liquid water and dance!   Dance with the scarf provided in your learning kit if you wish!

Zoom Call:  

We will chat today over ZOOM at 2:00!  Caregivers, please let me know if you did not get the invitation via email.  In your journal, draw/write about something awesome you discovered from camp.  During our ZOOM call, you will get the see and hear from all the children that participated.  You will share your favorite discovery! 


  1. Zalen said that "liquid turns to solid when it drys out and when it gets wet again it turns back to liquid". Brynlee did not know how water changed. They thought the ice cubes were cold and enjoyed breaking them open with a hammer and also used hot water to melt the cubes. We explored different ways to get the stuff out of the ice. The kids also noticed that some items sunk to the bottom of the cubes and some floated. The water color ice-the kids both enjoyed painting with them but made some cool pictures from using a hammer and spattering the ice and seeing where it landed on the paper then letting it dry to form paint spatters!


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