Wednesday- How are Rainbows Made?

Guiding Question to Discover Today: How are Rainbows Made?



BONUS Sensory:


Science Experiment:

Need a Challenge?  As shown in the video, place your diamond on a white piece of paper.  Choose fine lined writing instruments like fine tip markers or colored pencils and find the 7 colors of the rainbow.  Shine your flashlight on your diamond so that a rainbow appears on your paper.  Carefully trace the colors of the rainbow. Move your diamond to a different location on your paper and repeat.  Keep going until you have traced rainbows all over your paper! 

Not Ready Yet?  Your child may be interested in the shadows the flashlight is creating, especially if they are having a hard time making/finding the rainbows.  Let your child play around with making shadow puppets on your wall or ceiling instead! 

Gross Motor:  Rainbow Dance!

Get your scarf from your learning kit.  Listen to the song below.  Dance to the beat of the music! Parents, take a video of your child dancing.  Upload the video to the folder below.  I will be compiling all of the videos into a video grid for a collaborative rainbow dance!  The scarves are all different colors and will look like a rainbow when all the videos are together!

Rainbow Dancing Folder

(Note: It is assumed that if you upload a video of your child to the folder above that you have given consent for your child's picture to be posted online.  This video will ONLY be shared with participants of The Wonders of Water camp.)


  1. How do we upload the rainbow dance? Thanks!
    Isaac has been loving this camp!
    He has wondered...
    1. How water got here?
    2.How water and dirt make mud?
    3. Why rainbows make so many color?

    1. Those are great questions, Isaac! Have you discovered any answers yet? I bet you could easily figure out the answer to question number 2 by experimenting in your yard!

  2. Zalen said "rainbows come from God, from the mist and the sun. the sun reflects the color ans spreads the color", Brynlee said "rainbows come from unicorns". The kids liked making the light reflect from the diamond. Zalen really liked the shaving cream paint because it could stick up and make the objects 3D instead of regular paint. They both liked the shaving cream with the dye and mixing, swirling, and twisting the colors today. They also both liked putting the hands in the shaving cream and feeling the texture. Zalen has a bit of some sensory problems and would not touch the shaving cream unless he was above the sink to wash it off quickly, then he loved it. Zalen liked making his own bubble wand and using it to see how big he could make the bubbles. Brynlee like the beautiful colors in the bubbles. Both LOVED popping them!

    1. Sounds like you had a great day! Lots of great discoveries!


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