Tuesday- Where Does Water Come From?

Guiding Question to Discover Today: Where Does Water Come From?




Science Experiment:

Need a Challenge?
  After conducting the experiment, get a spoon to mix the shaving cream into the water.  Make a prediction like you did yesterday with our science experiment.  Will the shaving cream dissolve into the water or stay separate?  Try it out and observe!

Not Ready Yet?  As you watch the rain fall from the cloud, can you make a sound like rain falling?  Can you make a sound like thunder?

Gross Motor:

Prepare Ice Cubes for Sensory Bin on Thursday:

  • Remove paint popsicles carefully and put them in a different container.  Put back in freezer until Thursday.  
  • Refill ice cube tray with water.  Add glitter to each cube for sparkly fun!  If desired, have your child find a small object to put in each section of the tray.  They will be challenged to excavate these objects on Thursday.  Try objects like buttons, Legos, nature, etc.  Flowers, acorns and small pinecones are super cool! 
  • Optional: Try freezing water in other interesting containers with small objects that can be excavated.  Try Jello molds, cake pans, Dixie cups, etc.  Make multiple batches of ice cubes and ice molds for a bigger sensory experience on Thursday! 
  • Optional: On Wednesday, the plastic diamond from the kit will be used for an experiment.  Freeze the diamond afterwards in water for a gemstone mining experience! 
See tutorial here:


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  2. Zalen said rain comes from God. He said when you shake the bottle it rains and is like a tornado. He liked how the ribbon floated and twisted back up the bottle. He thought the shaving cream would dissolve. He noticed that when the clouds (cotton balls) had to be really wet before they would drip so he said that the rain clouds have to be really wet and hold a lot of water before it rains. He also said he thinks fog is made when the rain is being evaporated from the ground to the sky.

    1. I love hearing what you discovered, Zalen! What great findings.

  3. Brynlee said water comes from the clouds. She said her bottle rained when she shook it. She also thought the shaving cream would dissolve. She liked filling her clouds (cotton balls) with water. She thought it was fun to see the rain go through the shaving cream in the jar.

    1. I'm so glad that you're having fun, Brynlee! I noticed you both thought the shaving cream would dissolve. Did you test it? What did you find out?

  4. At dinner last night, Gwinny told her dad that his body was mostly water, lol.
    Today, she experimented by adding different liquids to her bottle including vegetable oil and glitter glue. We noticed that the oil didn't dissolve. She liked mixing the paints again while making her rain picture, and used them to paint rocks afterword.
    (She also told me I should sign her up for at least 5 more 'camps' this summer.)

  5. Water comes from waterfalls, says Ms. M.


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