
Showing posts from June, 2020

Caregivers- Start Here!

Watch this video to learn how to use this blog and the learning kit with your child(ren)! Note about materials: After further testing of all the activities, I have found that food coloring is NOT needed.  The liquid watercolors provided work great.  And they are washable! Note about differentiation: All activities include ways to differentiate for your child.  The differentiation ideas are included directly in written tutorials.  In videos, the differentiation ideas are typed out under the video. Note about instructional sheets:  Each instructional sheet (or written tutorial) has pictures of the activity, materials needed, and directions meant to be read by the adult assisting the child with the activities.  There are also questions and prompts meant to be read aloud to the child.  Below these questions and prompts you will find the ideas for differentiation. All activities and experiments have been kid tested and approved!  Thank you, ...

Monday- What is Water?

Guiding Question to Discover Today: What is Water? Story: Sensory: Expansion idea: If you have a bigger bin or water table, move materials to it for more play space. Add more PVC pipes for more building fun! The ones provided are from Lowes. I bought long pipes and cut them into pieces with PVC pipe cutters.  Science Experiment: Need a Challenge?  Before beginning, follow the scientific method like a real scientist!  Record the method in your journal. Question: Which ingredients will dissolve in water? Hypothesize: Predict which ones will dissolve and which ones will not. Experiment: Conduct the experiment.  Observe: Draw/write what you see. Analyze: Determine what dissolving in water looks like.  Conclude: Tell which ingredients dissolved and which did not.  Not Ready Yet?   Choose just 2 ingredients to dissolve instead of 5.  Look, touch, and smell the mixtures in both cups.  What do you see?...

Tuesday- Where Does Water Come From?

Guiding Question to Discover Today: Where Does Water Come From? Story: Sensory: Art: Science Experiment: Need a Challenge?   After conducting the experiment, get a spoon to mix the shaving cream into the water.  Make a prediction like you did yesterday with our science experiment.  Will the shaving cream dissolve into the water or stay separate?  Try it out and observe! Not Ready Yet?   As you watch the rain fall from the cloud, can you make a sound like rain falling?  Can you make a sound like thunder? Gross Motor: Prepare Ice Cubes for Sensory Bin on Thursday: Remove paint popsicles carefully and put them in a different container.  Put back in freezer until Thursday.   Refill ice cube tray with water.  Add glitter to each cube for sparkly fun!  If desired, have your child find a small object to put in each section of the tray.  They will be challenged to excavate thes...

Wednesday- How are Rainbows Made?

Guiding Question to Discover Today: How are Rainbows Made? Story: Sensory:  BONUS Sensory: Art: Science Experiment: Need a Challenge?  As shown in the video, place your diamond on a white piece of paper.  Choose fine lined writing instruments like fine tip markers or colored pencils and find the 7 colors of the rainbow.  Shine your flashlight on your diamond so that a rainbow appears on your paper.  Carefully trace the colors of the rainbow. Move your diamond to a different location on your paper and repeat.  Keep going until you have traced rainbows all over your paper!  Not Ready Yet?  Your child may be interested in the shadows the flashlight is creating, especially if they are having a hard time making/finding the rainbows.  Let your child play around with making shadow puppets on your wall or ceiling instead!  Gross Motor:  Rainbow Dance! Get your s...

Thursday- How Does Water Change from Liquid to Solid and Solid to Liquid?

Guiding Question to Discover Today: How does water change from a liquid to a solid and a solid to a liquid? Story: Art: Science: (Use 3 frozen cubes from your ice tray that you made on Tuesday or just use regular cubes from your freezer.) Need a Challenge?   Have an ice cube melting race. Get two more ice cubes.  Find two (moveable) objects outside that have been warmed by the sun. (Ex. rock, bucket, chair, etc.) Place the objects side by side.  When you say "Go", set one ice cube on the surface of each object.  Have someone in your family root for one cube and you root for the other!  Enjoy the race to see which one melts the fastest!  What is making the ice melt? Not Ready Yet?   Instead of comparing all three cubes, experiment with just two cubes.  Find a shady location next to a sunny location in your yard so your child can see both ice cubes at the same time.  Place one cube in the sun and one i...